Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More preparations...

Well now I'm down to about two weeks until I leave Texas for Chicago. I have a tenant lined up for my house, so I need to be out by 7/28. I had a garage sale to sell most of my stuff, still some left. I'll have another sale right before I leave.

Got some paperwork done.... opened a new checking account for my house rental payments and mortgage payments. Opened a new checking account for me to make international transfers and make payments here in America. My old account required direct deposit or they charge a fee, so I had to change accounts. I also now have a legal "Last will and testament" and a "power of attorney". I also needed a letter from my doctor saying that my prescription drug is medically necessary, because my prescription is on the UAE "restricted list" meaning it's illegal bring into the country or possess without documentation.

Only a few more things to do before I leave. My realtor needs to finalize the paperwork for the house. I need to try an sell more stuff here or maybe just give it away. I'm trying to not rent a trailer for my drive home. I'm getting closer.