Saturday, June 30, 2012

Initial Post

My overseas experience hasn't even started yet, but I have a lot to say!
I had started my research on Abu Dhabi, but after the recruiter informed me the interviewer's were delayed again and again getting here to the USA to interview I moved on. I signed up with another recruiter (Teach Anywhere) and they provided me with two opportunities. The first was in Kuwait, I thought right away based on the media coverage that I would never go there. It's right next store to Iraq, and umm the US fought a war there! Then I reminded myself that was over 20 years ago now (wow I'm getting old!). After reading about the area and the school, I ended deciding that it wasn't for me. My mom would freak out if I had decided to go there too. The other opportunity was in Dubai! My number one choice when I started this whole process of checking things out over seas.

Emails flew back and fourth regarding both opportunities, later phone calls from me here in Houston to my recruiter Jordan in Toronto. I finally decided that Dubai was my best choice. I had already read a lot about the UAE when I was reading about Abu Dhabi. So I shifted my research to Dubai, and learned that it's a really great fit for this American. Apparently 80% of the population in Dubai are expatriates.
Later I learned more about the school itself, and then had my interview via Skype at midnight (local time). That was an interesting experience, never before have I got ready for an interview (whole suit) walked down the hallway upstairs to my computer room and sat down to my interview (shortest commute ever!). Interview via skype was ok, but it was a challenge too. Not only did I have to fight the computer, my experience with skype and the language barrier. Everything worked out though, because I had an offer letter that next morning! Fast forward a week or two and I had a contract in my email. I had a few issues with it and brought those issues to my recruiter and he forwarded them to his account manager. Apparently I wasn't alone, and the others had their contracts updated too. A few days later I had an updated contract in my inbox. I sat on it for about 5 days, nerves and busyness...after getting an email from Jordan I finally went about getting it signed, scanned and emailed back to the school.

In the mean time I have a 3 bedroom house to do something with. I decided to rent the house in hopes that I can keep the house while I'm overseas and have someone else pay the mortgage. I hired a realtor (a friend of mine) to find me a tenant and to also manage the property while I'm out of the country. If everything goes as planned I at least break even every year. So that's perfect! I have a few weeks left now to sell ALL of my stuff so the house is empty when I leave. This is major load off of me as soon as I get a tenant. Last huge problem is off loading my dog, she is such a great dog but I have no idea what to do with her.

Next I need to determine what I'm taking with me as far as clothing. I can buy anything there, but would like to spend as little possible of course. I think I can bring two suitcases on the plane, so one will be my formal/work clothes and the other will my casual items. We'll see how that goes.

I have already found a rental car company, I figure I'll rent for the first month I'm there. Then I'll feel it out as far as continue to rent or buying something used.
I also have determined most of my communication needs. Internet most importantly, is fairly cheap. I also found two companies that stream American TV over the Internet so I won't miss my important network TV. :-)   Unsure if I'll get a cell phone or not, probably, but not at the top of my must have list. I also need to get the gym ASAP and get that membership setup. Based on what I've read from the West Fitness First is really my only option if I want my Zumba and Yoga.

My recruiter has also connected me with two other teachers that have come through Teach Anywhere and are working at my school. Communication has been slow, but it's nice to get to know other people a bit that I'll work with.


  1. Hi Sky Rookie

    My husband and I are in exactly the same boat with the exeption of the dog (we have a cat).
    Tell me, have you received any details about the schools location or any details of the flights to Dubai?
    The contract we signed was only a provisional contract so nothing concrete has come in, but it did say I was to start on the 27th of August. Things have gone very quiet and Teachanywhere have said its because of ramadan does any of this resemble your experience so far?

    Good luck maybe we'll meet outhere

    Abi Dunn

  2. Abi,
    I have not heard a whole lot, but the principal is good about responding to emails. Usually only a day or two for a response. I haven't received too much info about the school, but if you Google it there are reviews done by the Dubai government and others. TA sent me a link to a video on the school as well, if you didn't get that let me know and I can send it to you. My initial view of the school is that it's fairly average as schools go.

    My contract seemed pretty final, it had all the important details and was signed by the principal. As I wrote above we had corrections made before it was finalized. I had to print, sign, scan it and then send it back to TA and the principal.

    I was asked to arrive by 8/21 as was another teacher working at the school. TA put us in contact as prepare for our adventure.

    Ramadan was a quiet period, but I just heard from the principal the other day when I sent him my flight details. So they are around at least via email.

    Hope that helps at least a little. Feel free to write again/more.
