Saturday, September 1, 2012

Weekend Update (Sept 1, 2012)

Today I went to the gym for the second time to attend a yoga class and another Zumba class. The yoga class was a bit weird, but I noticed that it was because it was a traditional class. I haven’t really experienced one like that before. I really only have experience at the community college in Chicago and the Y in Houston. Both places focused on just the poses, very little breathing exercises or chanting. This class had everything. The teacher casually worked in more advanced poses, in my previous experiences the teachers shied away from these poses due to the level of most students. I guess at a health club most people are there dedicated to the practice. Zumba however was very similar to every other class I’ve taken at several different locations. In fact, several of the songs are the same as I’ve done before. Of course with a new instructor the choreography is different. In today’s class the instructor kept saying wow and looking at me. I was just being my normal self, going crazy in the class and stretching whenever possible. Of course when we squat apparently I’m very flexible because I was bending farther then everyone else. He kept looking back at me, almost in a weird sort of creepy way that I don’t want other guys looking at me! On the way out the young woman that was in front of me mentioned that I should come to all the Zumba classes. She said I took it very seriously, I told her I just wanted to have fun and get the most out of the class.

After today, I know I can teach yoga…not that I doubted myself. If I can teach at the health club level, then I can teach anywhere. Not sure I’m ready to teach Zumba though, just for the major fact that I can’t remember the routines that well. However, I guess it’s just like yoga; I’m really good at it because I’ve been practicing for 15 years.

Back in the hotel room, got a call from Allison...texted her back. They all went to look at apartments today with the school. She showed me pictures, and they aren’t as nice as the others. I will have one roommate, which is fine. The nice thing about these units is they come with appliances and electricity is included in the rent, which is important in a place where AC is necessary 24/7 nearly year round. I just hope the “furnished” part of this includes everything I was promised by my agency. The little things like silverware, dishes and linens would add up if I had to buy all of that. Maybe I can use and find someone leaving the country and buy their stuff off them. That’s how I plan to buy a TV.

Later on I got more caught up on Hulu, for some reason NBC doesn’t stream well but FOX does.
Then I had the music playing while I’ll finished up what I could on my school work.

Shaping up to be a very interesting experience.

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